The Farm

Tičova_planinaIf you wish to rest your body and soul in the peace of untouched nature, our farm is the perfect place for you. We will kindly welcome you and make you feel at home.

You will be able to enjoy your privacy or explore parts of our everyday work. It is especially interesting for children to see where eggs, milk or little calf come from.

We are an ecological farm, which means that we work our land and raise cattle in a natural way, with no chemicals or artificial feeds. Our chickens enjoy freedom outdoors and lay the best eggs in return. The piglets enjoy rooting the earth and we sometimes even envy our cat and dog their freedom.

We are proud to grow indigenous Slovenian cattle breed – the cika. Not far from the farm we have our own alpine pasture, where cows graze freely half of the year. Many people enjoy the sound of cows’ bells and watching young calves play.

Tičova_kmetijaAt our farm, when the valleys are glowing from the heat in the summer, you can cool down and breathe the fresh air and in winter you will be greeted by nice warm sun instead of cold and moist fog.

We wish to secure a healthy and beautiful environment for generations to come. We are grateful for the riches of fresh drinking water that is constantly available in the near and far surroundings.

In the woods full of beautiful deer trails and lonesome carpets of flowers and streams, you will certainly find inner peace that is so hard to find in the modern world.

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